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Word of the Month - Cohesive

Hi all

I'm not sure that this is interesting to most people, but over the past month I have noticed a word will jump out of my mouth and then there it is again and again until a new and better word becomes the prominent fixture in my conversations.

For the past week or so the one word that keeps coming up in my vocabulary is 'cohesive/cohesion'. Why this word, you may wonder? Well admittedly, I have had to participate in a few interviews for prospective new staff members. We have a wonderful culture and great team members at the clinics and therefore require someone who fits in with this professional philosophy so that we have a 'cohesive' group. I find myself explaining to each interviewee that we have put systems in place and encourage team players to ensure we all work cohesively.

I have also had discussions about outcomes and procedures with some of the staff throughout the various clinics. These conversations too, included the word 'cohesive' to ensure that we have cohesion across the group with our processes and systems.

Whilst editing my book, "Burnt Face" recently, cohesion was a must to ensure the story flows nicely and each paragraph fits together.

Do you find that at times you spit out a word and it becomes the 'Word of the Month' for you?

What is your 'Word of the Month?'

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